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In You, I Am

In You, I Am


Video Installation, Performance

2 Hours Video, on loop

“In You, I Am” is a series of two performance piece, reflecting the act of scratching as a cathartic expression of the ‘You and I in Me’. ‘You and I’ is conceived from the relationship of my being and the mirror, questioning the conscious and the sub-conscious self – to have an intimate conversation. The scratching of the text comes from the mediation of the self, embedding words that would become most truthful and present; commemoration of these messages. The act and sound of scratching becomes a proof of this cathartic conversations.

Present in the performance pieces is its attempt to affect the reality of audience who would experience these spaces through the channels, unable to escape the corners and spaces for solitude reflections.


//A conversation only we know

"Met in a place of only Us

Our conversations made us alike

Bespoke the intimacy that made us this right

Is where we had our first contact"

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